Hard Corps
I like military men. It may be because of the uniforms or the buff bodies, or just the willingness of some really hunky men to follow orders. I want to tell them, "DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY!" Now, I don't need to explain twenty of what to you, do I?
I would love to have a boyfriend in the military. They get a lot of mechanical training so they would be great to have around the house to do maintenance work and operate those power tool thingys. I live alone so I would also appreciate the protection they could give me both at home and in public. I'd like to be able to say, "Don't mess with me, my boyfriend kills people."I not the kind of person that would put pin-up pictures or blatantly erotic art work on their walls, but I found a way to express my affection for the male military figure in a tasteful way. I have about a dozen recruitment posters (including this one) from a period when our "straight" armed forces didn't mind celebrating their homoerotic (hoyay!) tendencies. Beside their visual appeal, the posters show to my guests that I am patriotic, that I support our troops, and that I am likewise looking for a few good men.
I liked this particular one so much I actually got it printed on a sweatshirt. I wore it once into a department store where the clerk complimented the sentiment of the shirt. I told the woman truthfully, I got it because I liked the butt.I don't see many real uniformed men very often, but I have it on my to do list to rectify that. Instead of the exotic locales shown in gay travelogues, like Costa Rica, South Africa, or Thailand, I want to vacation at Fayetteville, Norfolk, and San Diego. I'm surprised there aren't already gay tours of these areas. I could see safari-like vehicles circling the area, pointing out sightings of interesting behavior of our fighting forces in their natural habitat (see photo).
Closer to home, I thought about volunteering with the USO. There is a station at the Indianapolis Airport where they take care of traveling military personnel. I decided against it because the airport is far from where I live and I figured that the USO is probably too traditional an organization to accept the kind of personal send-off I envisioned giving.
Scenes from Yossi and Jagger
USO photo by derek*b. Some rights reserved.
Other photos from slagheap's Up Close set on Flickr. Some rights reserved. See Flickr photo pages for additional attribution.
No particular sexual orientation is implied for anyone whose image appears on this site. We support gays in the military.
After 9/11, you're probably better off booking a flight thru a major airport during the holiday travel season; you'll be able to get a lot closer than you can in the base areas.
My eternal life partner (long story) worked at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot the first time we lived in San Diego. Before 9/11, he was able to take me on the base and show me around. We even shopped at the PX. After 9/11, we were stopped at the gate, and I was barred from entry.
Things may have loosened up by now, tho. All I know is that I never saw guys in their Navy or Marine drag anywhere in San Diego except the airport.
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